March 25, 2020

William C. Hughes


St. Louis, MO 63101

Jim Defede


8900 NW 18th Terrace

Doral, Fl 33324

Dear Mr. Defede:

Keeping this as long as I care to, let’s talk about the end of the world. (As CBS knew it). What is Entercom? Frankly, I don’t care. What is “news?” It is whatever a big corporation says it is. Apparently, I’ve already defeated COVID-19 at age 64. You would think that would be a “story.” Oh no, they have to obsess about toilet paper, and I really wonder why a Warren County, Missouri man was reportedly arrested for sniffing deodorant in a Wal Mart.

Was the story true? I can’t drive out to Warrenton and find out. Therefore, the story is FALSE, or what Trump calls “fake news.” Many around here are expressing skepticism about the virus by saying, “I don’t know anyone who is sick.” I saw today that 6,820 Italians have died, and the CIA Fact Book will tell me how many people are in Italy. Why does some creep on the street know I am on their website?

I can do the math, and I also see the Chinese are all through with dying, so we can anticipate a huge Trump rally where he says, “I told you it would go away” as with many Democrats who wish he would go away. We can simply extrapolate how many will die here by…is our hospital better than the one in Rome? I would hope so. Do the English have to pay a single pound to be tested and treated? That British health care I am sure is free, like our bus system is temporarily.

I think many neo-Nazis like the vacant streets and closed banks. I think they want to pay for all purchases with a phone that is way better than mine. By gosh, cash could spread that virus! I think some Green Party socialist ought to run for office and say the bus should always be free. It is running for free today, so why not after April 8? That is when the City of Saint Louis wants its parking fines paid, and I know that, because I saw the sign posted on their door.

I see the “black plague” as a great opportunity for the “Lunatic Left” to step-up and say, “We want free stuff!” (Education, transit, health care, etc). Since I have joined-up with the “Me Generation,” I only care about Bill Hughes now. I do not want to pay any taxes, and this is a genetic defect inherited from Howard Hughes. If you treat people like crap, then they do not want to pay. The late Charles E. Hughes moaned about the Earned Income Credit, and now I need one to outwit that rascal Trump. Paying taxes while living in poverty? This is a recipe for what I call the “Glorious Revolution” that would reject robot apologists like Mike Pence and William Barr.

For God’s sake, the new DNI made a speech that could be interpreted as “liberal,” so he will surely be fired before he can be confirmed by the Senate. Meanwhile former CIA man John Brennan I hear has started a new political party called “Communist Party, USA.” No Marx or Lenin, just a return to Richard Nixon’s tax code. How well I remember the bellyaching about potentially paying 70% to Uncle Sam! This has become unthinkable today, so why not leave the USA when we are allowed to depart?

Rich folks paying no taxes is supposed to stimulate an economy that will soon be managed with no handshakes or paper stock trades. If they maintain a policy of “social distancing” on Wall Street, eventually no one will have to report to a physical place to WORK. If no one works together in a physical place, they will all be dependent on legions of computer nerds. This I predicted in 1982. Now, go find either my ex-wife or my computer science degreed neighbor from Beloit, Wisconsin. Of his home town he said, “It’s a shithole,” then someone who claimed to work for CIA said this of her apartment. Jim, I think all of these people knew each other behind my back.

Charlie Hughes also complained of Monday federal holidays. “They’ll keep inventing them until no one comes to work,” he said. How about “911 Memorial Day” and “COVID-19 Virus Remembrance Day?” I know I said, “Dad, they want one in every month.” Later in life, after Al Gore invented the Internet I said, “Why don’t we work four days a week from home?” As granny said, “Don’t give them any ideas.”

Best Monday Holiday Wishes,

William C. Hughes, MSW

[Only a retired social worker—never Howard’s son]


Viral Dissenter


Did you say “Corona?” I thought you said “Corolla.”

“Sorry, I cannot do the loaves, fishes, and toilet paper trick as they all appear to be going cuckoo over a virus that has killed only 108 Americans thus far. I do not like Donald Trump, but as you may recall, he kept pointing out, 60,000-70,000 people die from the flu every year. This makes me think something really kooky is going on within government agencies at all levels. (Think ICE and deportations). I am about to write to a woman I have known since 1985 who claims to work for the C.I.A. and has the passport stamps to back up her claim, including a recent trip to China right before the virus became a worldwide problem. What I am going to try to tell her is that you should not risk crashing a supposedly healthy economy to save a few thousand lives. Generals make decisions like that consistently during a war, and civilians do this too when there is a disaster like a wild fire or hurricane.

Do I sound nuts? My doctor does not think so. When I went to see her with a bad respiratory virus of another variety she said, “You and most of St. Louis have that one.” Thank God it is finally gone with no flu shot and no health plan for Bill Hughes. I’ll give you a call later in the week, because now I am fussing with installing a new Canon printer/fax after going into orbit over the library closures. Why not shut down I-70 too? Then we can all sit around and be fed horse manure by Fox News and CNN.”




Bi State at work.


Eric –

They may be able to fry the Jack’s breakfast muffin on my head by the time we meet, because I’ve discovered what we called two “fun facts” at Rosary High. (Now d.b.a. Trinity). I was about to have my remaining possessions from my state bureaucrat life and five brutal California years tossed to the curb by an eviction order sought by my only concerned kinfolk. Naturally, I jumped through all of the hoops to have the LEGAL SERVICES OF EASTERN MISSOURI help. They did not, and have one attorney for thousands of cases.

Ditto, I’ve discovered with the AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION in Missouri. Lots of employees; all not lawyers. Apparently, one Anthony Rothert is the sole attorney for—you guessed it—thousands and thousands of cases. We are going to start our meeting with one simple statement I’ve waited many years to make, and it is: “I have no rights.” Yes, I’d like to make a legal claim somehow I was in fact born in Canada. I have several “believers” on this, and you may call them if you like.

Who are they? Several work at a Canadian consulate. And, my favorite is a medical records clerk in New Brunswick. I’ve kept in touch with her over one memorable quote. It was, “Howard Hughes was a powerful man. He could have ordered the records destroyed.” You are indeed a lawyer, and should quickly grasp that her statement strongly implies there were such records.

That said, we will stick to the intellectual property topic. Even a small book advance buys me the privacy and equipment to function as a writer. This business of looking like a criminal on the run has to be stopped. Jim Kysor was one of my elderly helpers in California, and his memorable line uttered in anger was, “It’s like the one-armed man!” and I’m sure you know the plot line of The Fugitive. Bill Hughes violates no laws and is robbed blind. I go to the grocery store and jackasses walk right up and say things like: “We’ll get in there and take the rest of his stuff.” The Metrobus quotes? Not for this e-mail!


